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Coffee Plantation Tour From Bogota

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Coffee Plantation Tour From Bogota
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Coffee Plantation Tour From Bogota

We start the coffee tour from Bogota to go straight to Fusagasuga, a municipality one (1) hour away from the capital, with an average temperature of 20 degrees. You will discover a nice real LOCAL hacienda / finca of coffee, learning the all coffee production steps welcome by the Colombian coffee producers.
The tour will start in the “hacienda” (coffee plantation). Rounded by a beautiful garden where you can appreciate the real native plants from our tropical weather.

Afterwards, you will be introduced to the culture of coffee: its different types of crops, its different colors and sizes of beans. You will also could learn how to pick up the coffee and identify the best coffee beans. Then we will pexlain you natural enemies of the coffee (parasites) and the mutations of coffee plants

As pulping, drying, roasting, packaging will be explained.

Finally, the customer will test a coffee cup. Then we will offer you as part of the experience a fruit test and a typical lunch.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: BOGOTÁ D.C., Bogota, Colombia

Transfer back to the Hotel in Bogota

Stop At: Fusagasugá Cundinamarca, fusacatan, Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Wormer town where is located our Coffee plantation

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Hacienda Coloma, Av. de las Palmas via Tibacuy, Fusagasuga 252211 Colombia

Here will be offered the all exaplanation from the first to the last steps of the coffee production.

Duration: 2 hours

Duration:8 hours
Commences in:Fusagasuga, Colombia

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