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Colonial Bogotá La Candelaria Walking Audio Tour by VoiceMap

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Colonial Bogotá La Candelaria Walking Audio Tour by VoiceMap
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Colonial Bogotá La Candelaria Walking Audio Tour by VoiceMap

This tour goes from the Plaza de Bolívar to the Museo de Oro and passes by some of the most important places in Bogotá. You’ll visit the Palacio de Nariño which is the president’s house and you’ll get to see the first observatory built on the American continent. Wander churches and see their collections of religious art, check out the international art collection at the Museo Botero and see exhibits at the Casa de la Moneda - Bogota’s currency museum.

See where the legendary Simón Bolívar escaped death and have a coffee at the Gabriel Garcia Márquez centre. Learn about “El Bogotazo”, a people’s revolt caused by the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitán. Finish at the Gold Museum where you’ll learn about “El Dorado” and see the art of indigenous tribes that lived in Colombia before the Conquistas.

The tour is ready whenever you are. It plays audio automatically at exactly the right time and place using your smartphone's GPS and the VoiceMap mobile app, which also works offline.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Pass By: La Catedral Primada, Carrera 7 10 80, Bogota 111711 Colombia

La Catedral Primada was built between 1807 and 1823. This is the most important church of Colombia and is where the most significant Catholic celebrations of the country are held.

Pass By: Museo de la Independencia Casa del Florero, Carrera 7 No. 11 - 2, Bogota Colombia

The Casa del Florero is where Colombia’s push for independence from Spain began. The house was built at the end of the 16th century, and belonged to one of the families of the founders of the city. The house is now a museum and is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday.

Pass By: Palacio de Justicia, Cra. 8, Bogota Colombia

The Palacio de Justicia was rebuilt after being burned down during a battle in 1985. Marxist guerrillas invaded the palace and kidnapped the supreme court judges and many civilians. The armed forces and police regained control of the palace after 3 days.

Pass By: Observatorio Astronomico, Palacio de Narino, costado noroeste, Bogota Colombia

The Observatorio Astronomico was built in honour of the scientist and botanist José Celestino Mutis. It was the first observatory built on the American continent.

Duration:1 hour
Commences in:Bogotá, Colombia

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