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11 Days Historic Route to North Ethiopia

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11 Days Historic Route to North Ethiopia
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11 Days Historic Route to North Ethiopia

This 11 days historic route is one of our best products and is purchased so many times by differently originated worldwide customers indeed. On this Eleven Days and Twelve nights specific tour the Siemen Mountains, major historical sites of northern Ethiopia and the Tigray Rock churches will be visited Including Addis Ababa City tour. Not only this, we will also spend three nights in the magnificent rock-hewn churches of Lalibela.     

Day1: After Arrival Visit the Ethnographic Museum, a great introduction to Ethiopian culture and history, Merkato, one of Africa's largest outdoor markets, and Trinity Cathedral, resting place of Emperor Haile Selassie. Overnight will be in Reserved Hotel

Day2: Fly to Bahir Dar. Visit the marketplaces, take a boat trip on Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile, and tour ancient island monasteries. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 3: Drive to Gondar. Tour the Royal Enclosure, featuring five castles built by a succession of Ethiopian Kings beginning in the early 17th century. Visit Debre Birhan Selassie church, famous for its religious art and iconic ceiling depicting angels. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 4: Drive to Simien Mountains National Park. Enjoy some light hiking in the afternoon in the park and spot wildlife such as the endemic Gelada baboon. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 5: Take a scenic drive to Axum, capital of the ancient Axumite Empire. Experience the magnificent views on the way. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 6: Tour the ancient stelae fields, standing for 2,000 years, the new and impressive Archeological Museum, other tombs and archaeological sites. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 7: Drive to the Gheralta lodge passing the Adwa battlefield, Emperor Menelik II's victory site over the Italians. Visit the 2,500 year old ruins of Yeha, Aba Gerima and Petros Paulos Tigray rock churches. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 8: Visit more ancient rock-hewn churches: We/Abraha Atsbeha; the beautiful Wukro Chirkos; and  Medhane Alem Kesho. Drive to Mekele. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 9: Drive on a scenic road to Lalibela. Arrive late afternoon and enjoy the sunset from the terrace. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 10: Tour the 11 magnificent rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. This complex boasts the largest monolithic church in the world, a maze of passageways and tunnels, intricately carved reliefs, and fabulous examples of icon paintings. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 11: For the morning we have two choices: Take a morning hike with mules to Mount Asheton, with its 13th century rock-hewn monastery and great views of the town; OR Drive to Yemrehana Kristos, a beautiful church situated in a shallow cave that predates the churches of Lalibela. Tour Lalibela’s churches in the afternoon. Overnight Reserved Hotel

Day 12: Flying Back to Addis Ababa Visit the National Museum, home of the 3.2 million years old skeleton "Lucy." Optional souvenir shopping. Farewell dinner in traditional Ethiopian restaurant. Transfer to airport. End of the Trip!

Duration:11 days
Commences in:Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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