Worlds Largest Network

Romantic North East Loop (Lendava, Izakovci, Jeruzalem)

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Romantic North East Loop (Lendava, Izakovci, Jeruzalem)
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Romantic North East Loop (Lendava, Izakovci, Jeruzalem)

We pick you up at your accomodation place. And then we go...
Prekmurje, far North East of Slovenia offers you a view to the part of Slovenia related with Pannonian traditions and customs.
Not many agencies offer the tour to this part of Slovenia cos it's not in the agendas of modern trends in tourism.
Loopy Slovenia tries to offer the visitors a view to the parts where very few go. But this makes it unique and authentic.
Try to believe :)

We have panoramic and other stops all along the way in context of comfortable traveling.

Visit: Vinarium Tower, Dolgovaske gorice 229 Dolgovaske Gorice, Lendava 9220 Slovenia

See 4 countries from one tower!

Duration: 1 hour

Visit: Otok Ljubezni, Izhakovci 99, Beltinci 9231 Slovenia

Dive into a story of eternal love in the middle of a river and get to know about the life of Bujrasi, the human partners of Mura river...

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Visit: Vinothek Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem 8, Ljutomer Slovenia

Experience why crusaders decided they arrived to their final destination Jerusalem when trying the wine in the cellars of the are...

Duration: 1 hour

Duration:9 hours
Commences in:Lendava, Slovenia

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