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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids: 2 days tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel

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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids: 2 days tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel
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Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids: 2 days tour by Only Official Foundation's Travel

Discovery of Bosnian pyramids is historic for several reasons: This is the largest pyramid in the world, The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is 220 meters high (Great Pyramid in Egypt is 147 meters high). The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has the most precise orientation towards cosmic north with the error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered by rectangular concrete blocks. The material of the concrete blocks according to scientific institutions in Bosnia, Italy, and France is far more superior to modern concrete materials. Pyramids of Sun, Moon, and Dragon form a perfect equilateral triangle with 2.170 meters distance between their tops.


Day 1: Introduction

Stop At: Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Ravne bb, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Your first location is Belvedere point of View. To hear intro about the valley of the pyramids in Visoko, Bosnia, and Herzegovina.

Distant view of the Bosnian pyramid of the sun, introduction to the project, an ideal place for the photographing.

Then you will visit Underground Labyrinth Ravne. Visit to prehistorical network of tunnels and chambers.

Labyrinth is illuminated, tunnel heights in average of two meters, very high concentration of negative ions that clean the blood and body of viruses and bacterias, over 1000 meters of tunnels are open for public, extra time in the “healing room” and by the mega - ceramic k-2 - special energy potent place ideal for meditations.

Access with the tourist bus all the way to the entrance. To learn even more, you can enter to Foundation Museum, Museum exhibition is located in the building close to the entrance to underground labyrinth Ravne. Some of the artifacts discovered during the excavation are exposed. A number of satellite photos, energy measurements, lab analysis and radiocarbon dating can be found at the museum.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Park Ravne 2, Ravne bb near Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Most beautiful natural complex near the entrance to underground labyrinth Ravne. Several active archaeological sites are located in the park such as entrance to second level tunnels and shaped hill “the bell tower” with measured energy phenomena. Park has platform for yoga and meditation, concert stage with natural amphitheater, “aura amplifier -stone circles”, megalithic blocks – geopuncural circle, underground spiral, double stone labyrinth, spiral botanical garden and other. It’s unique energy park in southern Europe.
Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina
The largest and oldest pyramid in the world. Visit the archaeological trenches at the northern side where synthetic concrete blocks were uncovered under the layers of soil and vegetation, possible visit to the “healing stone” as well.

Duration: 1 hour

Meals included:
• Lunch
No accommodation included on this day.

Day 2: Bosnian Pyramids

Stop At: Pyramid Of The Moon, Visoko Bosnia and Herzegovina
Before the Pyramid of the Moon, we are going to Vratnica Tumulus. Visit the artificial conical hill, electromagnetic and ultrasound beams have been detected on the tumulus top, powerful energy spot ideal for meditations. Pyramid of the Moon, with its height of 190 meters is the second highest pyramid in the world (great pyramid of Egypt is 147 meters in height), visit the paved pyramid cascades.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina
After Pyramid of the Moon and lunch in nature surroundings we will head to top of the biggest pyramid in the world has a commanding view of the valley, teams of physicists have detected and measured several energy phenomena: electromagnetic and ultrasound beams, it is the location of several cultural layers (medieval, Roman, Illyrian).

Climbing is 45 - 60 minutes.
Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Underground Labyrinth Ravne, Ravne bb, Visoko 71300 Bosnia and Herzegovina
The second day we are going back to prehistoric tunnels Ravne. This time you will have time to meditate and to learn everything about it from the healing aspect
Duration: 1 hour

Meals included:
• Lunch
No accommodation included on this day.

Duration:2 days
Commences in:Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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