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Lukomir Highland Village Hike

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Lukomir Highland Village Hike
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Lukomir Highland Village Hike

Lukomir is the highest and most isolated village in Bosnia. This hike is also the most popular hike in the country. And for a good reason. It offers all: amazing views, long walks, culture, history and legends.

This is the most popular one day trip from Sarajevo. We start our tour on the southern slopes of Bjelašnica mountain, from medieval Umoljani village. We will make a short stop on ancient necropolis at Dolovi, and then continue towards Umoljani.

We will then pass through Gradina - highland summer village, and go to Studeni Potok stream. On the way, we will visit 40-meter Peruće Waterfall before continuing to Lukomir.

Our last stop - Lukomir village. It lives the same life for more than 600 years, Bosnia’s highest and most isolated mountain village.

On the edge of the village you will be treated to a breathtaking view of Rakitnica Canyon. We will have traditional homemade lunch prepared by our hosts. You will also have the opportunity to purchase local handcrafts

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Bjelašnica Olympic Mountain Ski Resort, Babin Do, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Short stop to talk about the Sarajevo Winter Olympics in 1984.

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Nekropola stecaka Umoljani, Umoljani, Trnovo 71220 Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNESCO World Heritage site at Dolovi. Short stop to learn about Bosnian history.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Selo Umoljani, Umoljani, Trnovo 71220 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Umoljani medieval village is our starting point for the hike.

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Studeni potok, Umoljani, Trnovo 71220 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beautiful stream that we will follow for 2 kilometers.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Rakitnica canyon, Umoljani, Rakitnica, Trnovo 71220 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Our hike for the most part goes on the edge of the canyon.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Selo Lukomir, Lukomir, Konjic 88400 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Our destination! We will walk, talk, look, photograph and eat!

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Stop At: Nekropole sa steccima, Vlasko groblje, Lukomir Bosnia and Herzegovina

Talk about the history of Lukomir.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Vidikovac Lukomir, Lukomir Bosnia and Herzegovina

The best viewpoint on Lukomir and into Rakitnica canyon.

Duration: 10 minutes

Duration:8 to 13 hours
Commences in:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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