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Transfer from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik with stops(Konjic,Mostar,Blagaj,Pocitelj)

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Transfer from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik with stops(Konjic,Mostar,Blagaj,Pocitelj)
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Transfer from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik with stops(Konjic,Mostar,Blagaj,Pocitelj)

Besides transportation,one of the best ways to meet and explore sunny Hercegovina in a short amount of time

We start the transport from Sarajevo
On our way first stop is in Konjic,The town is known for Tito's bunker, a huge underground complex where the leadership of Yugoslav republic planned its atomic war command,where the passengers can take a break in a duration of 1 hour,after taking a break we will continue our trip.
Next stop on our way will be Mostar,City of Mostar has been most famous for this beautiful historic Ottoman-style bridge, Originally built by the Turks in 1566, it was destroyed in 1993, but rebuilt in 2004,after seeing one of the most beautiful cities in Bosnia and Hercegovina transport will take us to our next stop Blagaj
Blagaj is a village-town in the south-eastern region of the Mostar,there passengers can see Blagaj Tekke which was built around 1520, with elements of Ottoman architecture and Mediterranean style,before concluding our trip we will make one more stop at Pocitelj,old medieval town from 14 century and that will be our final stop before reaching our destination Dubrovnik.

Duration:6 to 8 hours
Commences in:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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