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Beautiful pictures of you in Cartagena the India

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Beautiful pictures of you in Cartagena the India
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Beautiful pictures of you in Cartagena the India

We will make a tour in which it will be possible to know the best of the walled city, we will have the opportunity to visit the picturesque and traditional neighborhood of Getsemani as well as the best sectors of the walled city, the tour is aimed at having a more visual and aesthetic enjoyment . We will be exposed to different photo opportunities, from curious murals, itinerant fruit sales, traditional structures, architecture, lifestyle, beautiful balconies, colonial windows and doors. Cartagena is beautiful and authentic, we will have many opportunities and I will be there to help you get beautiful pictures! We will have beautiful views to observe and photograph. It is a bit extensive but it will be worth it, I assure you that you will take home beautiful memories


Make a beautiful tour among the most beautiful streets of the city, we will know the city from a photographic point of view, more aesthetic where we will observe the colonial architecture, the diversity of colors of the facades of the houses, as well as its beautiful doors, windows and balconies. I know where the best views of the city are, and we will have the whole set during our photographs. Take photos of you, enjoy your visit in the city, as well as make an editorial photo, of which an advance will be delivered at the end of the experience. 3 days later receive a link. Wetranfer to download 15 selected photographs with their edition and complete quality for later use. I consider it an excellent way to get to know the city, to visit a place with interesting places. The idea is to make a quiet tour enjoying the surroundings, making stops to photograph, we will help you get better positions and a genius in the photos. The tour lasts approximately 2 hours.

ADJUSTABLE SCHEDULES: Write to consult =)

Duration:1 hour 30 minutes
Commences in:Cartagena, Colombia

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