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Eco tour to the sacred forest to feel the ancestral power of the earth

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Eco tour to the sacred forest to feel the ancestral power of the earth
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Eco tour to the sacred forest to feel the ancestral power of the earth

Tourists will have an experience that will mark their life. They Will have a sacred connection with the earth, feeling that earth transmits us her energy. Tthis prana transmits vitality and health to tourists, who will feel different after the tour. our senses will be exalted with the sounds of silence.

we will be in a natural oxygen bubble. Tourists will fell bette. a sensation of wellbeing mind curpo and spirit.

Come to the mountain and boost your vital energy with a wellness experience that will leave a mark on your life! You will be in contact with the earth, the water, the air and the fire using ancestral practices guided by me.

Then, we will continue our way to arrive at the 'Forest of Silence' where we will be making a connection with its ancestral guardians. This eco-walk will lead you to the center of your energetic power and I will assure you that your senses will be fully awakened. It's a psycho-spiritual experience overflowing with vital prana!

After this spiritual awakening we will head towards the artistic Eco-Hotel 'La Montaña Mágica' where we will share a nutritious and organic lunch.

Then, with light clothes, we will enter the 'Turco Ancestral'; a warm steam bath with aromas, accompanied by a directed massage with psycho-physical effects.

Slowly, we will go to the Hermitage, where we will celebrate the end of this experience through a session with the ancient Vedic fire and the sound of the drum, tuning our hearts to the heart of the earth!

Duration:7 hours
Commences in:Medellín, Colombia

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