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Day Tour to Kazbegi

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Day Tour to Kazbegi
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Day Tour to Kazbegi

With more twists and turns than a hairpin mountain road, this day-trip will leave you exhilarated and engaged as we chat regional politics, ogle over extraordinary frescoes, our hands at making Khinkali and spot distant shepherd flocks, dwarfed by mind-blowing landscape.

Pit-stops include: Zhinvali reservoir, Ananuri fortress, the Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument and the jaw-dropping Jvari pass.

Just 12km from the Russian border we arrive at mysterious Kazbegi, where you can opt to continue on to 14th century Gegeti monastery on foot or by 4x4. Adventure is in store either way, with a short but challenging hike, or a nail-bitingly bumpy drive, and a mesmerising, more-than-worth-it final destination!

Finally, we will head down into the village for dinner with a local family. Find out what it takes to create the perfect Khinkali, before tucking into an impressive spread of local dishes, celebrating the day’s discoveries, as we raise our glasses of Chacha and homemade wine.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Jinvali Water Reservoir, 40 km to the North from Tbilisi, Tbilisi Georgia

Zhinvali water reservoir - one of the biggest Soviet dam built in the 70's offering us beautiful views of the gorge of Aragvi river.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Ananuri Fortified Castle Ensemble, Georgian Military Highway, Ananuri Georgia

Ananuri castle represents multifunctional architectural complex of the late feudal times in Georgia. Built on the right bank of Aragvi River in 16th-17th cc.

Duration: 1 hour

Stop At: Russian Georgian Friendship Monument, Georgian Military Highway, Gudauri 383085 Georgia

The Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument, often an ironic visit after discussing tensions between the two countries during the drive. Monument overlooks the cliffs of gorgeous Caucasus mountains.

Duration: 40 minutes

Stop At: Gergeti Trinity Church, Stepantsminda Georgia

Historically, the monastery served as the country’s most important treasury, with villagers across the centuries tasked with guarding the holy riches that were stored there; today, despite an influx of tourists, the precious and unique atmosphere of this place has been preserved.

Duration: 2 hours

Duration:10 to 11 hours
Commences in:Stepantsminda, Georgia

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