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Ohrid, Macedonia

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Ohrid, Macedonia
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Ohrid, Macedonia

Wolking along the old city. Visit to historic sites, churches and monasteries. Transport by boat or vehicle. Providet tourist guide.

Wolking along the old city. Visit to the churches St. Sofia (9th century), St. John - Kaneo (14th century) and St. Clement (9th century). The Antique Theater (4th century BC) and the Samoil Fortress (10th century. Sightseeing of the Ohrid lake and the national park Galicica. Visit to the monastey St. Naum and the springs of the river Black Drim. Lunch at St. Naum.

Visit a workshop on handmade paper.

Visit of the shop for Ohrid Pearl. 

Between Ohrid and St. Naum, visit to the "Bay of Bones" (a village from the 12th to the 7th century BC)

The price include:
- tickets
- transportation
- Lunch in St. Naum

Duration:1 to 7 days
Commences in:Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia
Country:Republic of North Macedonia

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