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The Shaman Kingdom of the Mongols

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The Shaman Kingdom of the Mongols
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The Shaman Kingdom of the Mongols

Prior to the 15th century, the ruling religion of Mongolia was that of the great blue sky – “hoh tenger”. This system of traditional beliefs and practices, known in the west as Shamanism, is based on the idea that the visible world is full of invisible forces or spirits. The shaman as intermediary between the natural and spiritual world, communicates with the spirits of water, wind, fire, trees, the moon and so on, for assistance in healing, hunting or changing the weather. The healers of the Buu, as it is known in Mongolia today, are still performing these peculiar rituals. On this special trip we will take you into this secret world, to see the healer call the spirits into his body and grant him the power to heal and see the future.


Day 1: Arrival in Ulaanbaatar

Pass By: Ulaanbaatar City Museum, Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Arrival to Ulaanbaatar and transfer to hotel. Depending on time of arrival, you may have a short city sight-seeing tour. Before dinner we will meet with a shaman who will give us an introduction to the origins of shamanism. Evening welcome dinner.

Meals included:
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in 4-star hotel

Day 2: Sand Dunes of Elsen Tasarkhai

Pass By: Elsen Tasarkhai (Sand Dune Mini Gobi), Rashaant, Mongolia
Marking the northern edge of the great Gobi Desert, Elsen Tasarkhai is a sand dune that stretches over 130 km north into the heart of Central Mongolia. In the early evening we will gather around the fire to experience our first shamanic ceremony, after which we can talk to the shaman, to learn about the secrets of the ancient rituals.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in ger camp.

Day 3: The Hot Springs of Tsenher

Pass By: Tsenkher Hot Spring, Tsenkher, Tsetserleg 65190 Mongolia
A short drive in the morning brings us to Kharkhorin. Built by order of Chinggis Khan and completed by his son Ogedei about 800 years ago, Kharkhorin, better known as Karakorum, was famed throughout Asia as the capital of the Mongol Empire. Within the walls of this spectacular city kings were chosen, laws made and the fate of the next city to be conquered were determined. You will visit the Erden Zuu monastery and then have lunch, before we continue into the region the Mongolians call the ‘paradise of the horse herders’ for its lush grasses and open valleys. We drive through thick pine forests to the Tsenher hot springs, where water flows out of the ground at 82° C, and where we can enjoy a relaxing soak.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in ger camp.

Day 4: Hiking in Tsenkher

Pass By: Tsenkher Hot Spring, Tsenkher, Tsetserleg 65190 Mongolia
Today we will go hiking in the pine forest surrounding the hot springs, and enjoy a picnic lunch during our hike. Free time to relax in the afternoon. You may enjoy a soak in the hot springs or to go for an easy horseback ride.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in ger camp.

Day 5: Khorgo Volcano

Pass By: Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park, Khorgo Mongolia
Driving out of the hot springs, we pass through Tsetserleg, the provincial capital, where we will make a short visit to the local market. Continuing west, we stop next to Taikhar Chuluu - a massive rock which is connected to local mythology. The last stop of the day will be next to a good observation point for the Chuluut Canyon, and the holy “100 branch tree” which has grown nearby for hundreds of years. Finally we arrive at Horgo Volcano.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in a ger camp.

Day 6: Mongolia's most beautiful routes

Pass By: Jargalantyn Am Site, Hanuy Mongolia
In the morning we will go for a hike up the Khorgo volcano. After lunch, we will be driving north on one of Mongolia's most beautiful routes, crossing high mountain passes, grasslands, and small creeks as we pass by remote villages. We finish the day next to the Jargalant Hot Springs.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight a ger camp.

Day 7: Mongolia’s mysterious deerstones

Pass By: Khuvsgul 365 Hotel and Restaurant Murun, Murun, Mongolia
On this day we head north to the town of Murun, the provincial capital of Khuvsgul. A short while later we arrive at an ancient burial site featuring Mongolia’s mysterious deerstones, memorial stones representing important leaders and warriors, carved with deer motifs.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in a ger camp.

Day 8: One of the world's biggest fresh water sources

Pass By: Khovsgol Nuur, Mongolia
Leaving Murun, we visit an ancient burial site featuring Mongolia’s mysterious deerstones, memorial stones representing important leaders and warriors, carved with deer motifs. After a picnic lunch there, we continue to Lake Huvsgul. One of the world's biggest fresh water sources, Lake Huvsgul and its amazing surroundings are home to several of Mongolia’s ethnic minorities as well as a refuge for a wide variety of wildlife. Huvsgul is truly a highlight of any trip to Mongolia. We drive north along the lake to the ger camp, arriving in time for an afternoon walk along the lakeshore.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in a ger camp.

Day 9: Shamanic Ritual

Pass By: Khovsgol Nuur, Mongolia
One of the most interesting ethnic groups living near the lake is the Tsaatan or as they are better known – ‘The Reindeer People’. A small tribe of Tsaatan consisting of about 40 families lives with its herds of reindeer in the forests around the lake. These graceful animals provide the tribe with all its basic needs - milk, transportation, meat, skins and bones and antlers used as building materials and for tools. Some of the members of this small community are traditionally very strong shaman healers, and in the evening we will join them as they perform a shamanic ritual next to the lake.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in a ger camp.

Day 10: Explore the setting of Mongolia’s Blue Pearl

Pass By: Khovsgol Nuur, Mongolia
In the morning we will take a hike up into the mountains near the lake. Lying at about 1650 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains rising above 3100 meters, the waters of Huvsgul are deep and spectacularly clear and pure. We will hike through thick pine forests carpeted with flowers and explore the setting of Mongolia’s ‘Blue Pearl’. After lunch we will drive to Murun.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in a local hotel.

Day 11: Fly back to Ulaanbaatar

Pass By: Ulaanbaatar City Museum, Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Today we will fly back to Ulaanbaatar. After check-in at the hotel we visit the National History Museum, which holds a permanent exhibition on the different civilizations that have inhabited the territory of Mongolia from prehistoric times to the present, including a significant display of objects from the era of the Great Mongol Empire. We will have some free time for relaxation or for exploring the city. After dinner we will visit the Zaisan Observatory to view the city at night.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in 4-star hotel.

Day 12: Exploring the Black market

Pass By: Ulaanbaatar Department Store, Peace Avenue-57 Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 14250 Mongolia
We begin the day with a few hours exploring the Black Market. This huge market contains every single item a Mongolian might need, whether they are nomads or urban apartment dwellers. Goods brought from all corners of Mongolia are here for sale. A visit to the market is a colorful experience which gives the visitor an insight to the everyday life of the people of Ulaanbaatar. After lunch we will visit the Bogd Khan Palace museum, the palace of the last Mongolian king, who was considered a living god. Free shopping time in the afternoon. Mongolia is world renowned for its fine cashmere and you will find this and many other souvenir items in the city.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
• Lunch
• Dinner
Accommodation included: Overnight in 4 star hotel.

Day 13: Departure

Pass By: Chinggis Khaan International Airport, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Transfer to the airport for our departing flight.

Meals included:
• Breakfast
No accommodation included on this day.

Duration:13 days
Commences in:Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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