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Uppsala Historic Highlights, Private Chauffeur Tour from Stockholm

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Uppsala Historic Highlights, Private Chauffeur Tour from Stockholm
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Uppsala Historic Highlights, Private Chauffeur Tour from Stockholm

Uppsala is one of Sweden's oldest and most interesting cities. As this is a bespoke Private Tour we will take you to the places that you find the most interesting and that is accessible the actual day. We have 4 hours to spend in Uppsala and we will visit/pass attractions like The Royal Mounds and museum in Gamla (Old) Uppsala, The Church of Gamla Uppsala, The Carolus Linnaeus Garden and Museum, The Uppsala Cathedral, The Gustavianum Museum, The University Main Building, The University Library - Carolina Rediviva, The Botanical Garden, The Museum of Evolutions, Gunnes Viking Farm you can also choose to have some free time for shopping and a traditional Swedish fika in the picturesque city. As every tour is bespoke we have not included entrance fees in this tour. Uppsala is waiting for you. Are you ready? Book this trip today!

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Gamla Uppsala, Uppsala Sweden

We normally start this tour in Gamla (Old) Uppsala where we will see the three famous burial mounds where powerful kings got buried some 1 500 years ago. This is also the place where the Swedish Vikings got together for pagan sacrifices and meetings. If you like you can explore the museum (recommended) to learn more about pagan gods like Oden, Thor and Frey and see what archaeologists have found at excavations in the area. The museum has a souvenir shop that sells replicas of Viking artefacts, jewellery and weapons. Please note that the museum might be closed. It is still worth the visit.

Duration: 40 minutes

Stop At: Gamla Uppsala Kyrka, Disavagen 8, Uppsala 75440 Sweden

The church of Old Uppsala has played a significant roll when Christianity was introduced in Sweden. It is the church of the first archibishop and the church was built on the Old Uppsala´s sacrificial site. The original church was partly destroyed by a fire and the present church dates back to the twelfth century. It contains several old artefacts like the Bishops Throne that is considered to be Sweden´s oldest piece of furniture and the church´s original crucifix from the 12th century.

Duration: 20 minutes

Pass By: Disagården, Ärnavägen, Gamla Uppsala, 754 40 Uppsala, Sweden

Disagården is an open-air museum in Gamla Uppsala. It is a farm that shows how it was like to live in rural Uppland during the late 19th century. We can pay a visit when it is open (June-August) or otherwise we just drive slowly pass it on our way to Uppsala.

Pass By: Linnaeus Garden, 27 Svartbaecksgatan, Uppsala 753 32 Sweden

The Linnaeus Garden is a legacy from Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) - one of the world’s most famous scientists and Swedes. He lived and worked in Uppsala for almost 50 years. He was not only a botanist but also a physician, geologist, zoologist and philosopher. In 1741 he obtained the chair of Medicin and botanic at Uppsala University. He took over a neglected botanical garden which he soon improved so it become one of the world’s foremost gardens. During Linnaeus' time in the garden he and his students gathered almost 4 000 different species in the garden. Today you will find more than a thousand species and of course they are arranged according to Linnaeus’ sexual system. He also restored the Botanical House in the garden which became the home of Linneaus and his family for 35 years. Today the Swedish Linneaus Society are running the Linneaus Museum in the building in. During summer time we will visit the garden and the museum if you want (May-September) and other times we will just have to pass it. Most recommended!

Stop At: Uppsala Domkyrka, Domkyrkoplan 2, Uppsala 753 10 Sweden

Uppsala Cathedral is the largest and tallest cathedral in the Nordic countries. The construction works started around 1270 and it took almost 200 years to complete the building. Several Swedish kings have been crowned in the church and many famous persons are buried here like King Gustav Vasa, King Johan III, Carl Linnaeus, Nathan Söderblom and the former Secretary General for UN Dag Hammarsköld. A visit is a must when you are in Uppsala.

Duration: 30 minutes

Pass By: Museum Gustavianum, 3 Akademigatan, Uppsala 753 10 Sweden

Gustavianum is Uppsala University´s oldest existing building. It was built between 1622 and 1625 got it´s named after the king Gustavus Adolphus (Gustav II Adolf) who donated money for the construction. Today it is a museum that among other things houses professor Olof Rudebecks magnificent Anatomical Theatre from 1662 (the second oldest remaining anatomical theatre in the world). You will also find items and historical memories from Uppsala University, the famous Augsburg Art Cabinet (arrived to Sweden during the 30 years war in 1632), treasures from the Viking Age, ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome and a small gift- and souvenir shop. Gustavianum is unfortunately closed for a major renovation and will open again in 2022.

Pass By: Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala County

The City of Uppsala has a lot to offer when it comes to shopping, cafés and restaurants. You can have some free time on your own to explore the city or our guide can take you to an award winning café!

Stop At: Uppsala University Main Building, 3 Biskopsgatan The University Main Building is currently closed for interior renovations., Uppsala 753 10 Sweden

The current University Main Building opened its doors for the first time in 1887. We will at least see the building from the outside and we can visit the park in front of the building where you will find 6 genuine rune stones. Uppsala University dates back to 1477 which makes it the oldest University in the Nordic Region. The University and the church has have a huge influence over Uppsala throughout the years. Today the university is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world and it has more than 40,000 students and nearly 5,000 researchers and teachers. Among the University’s alumni there are 15 Nobel Prize laureates, of which 8 received their prizes for discoveries made during their time at Uppsala University. A normal weekday we may be able to sneak in in to the entrance hall in the building to see the grandior. Normally closed during weekends.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Carolina Rediviva University Library, Drottninggatan Box 510, Uppsala 751 20 Sweden

Carolina Rediviva is the oldest (1841) and largest university library building in Sweden. It is also the site where the Codex Argenteus - Silver bibeln that dates back to the 500th century. By the entrance hall of the library there is an exhibition hall where some of the most attractive objects in the library can be seen like the Codex Argenteus, the map Carta Marina, and a first edition of Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. A normal weekday we can sneak in to the old library to the where many student like to do there studies. Or we can choose just pass it.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Botanical Garden, Villavägen 6-8, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden

The Uppsala Botanical Garden have combined botany and horticulture for 350 years. The collections consist of some 7 000 plant species from all parts of the plant kingdom, all environments and from all parts of the world. Central in the garden you will find Linneanum that was built in 1807 as a tribute to Linneaus 100 years after his birth. We will explore the gardens and visit Linneanum (not included) - if you like and if it is open at the time and that we will be there.

Duration: 45 minutes

Pass By: Uppsala Castle (Uppsala Slott), Rikssalen, Uppsala 753 10 Sweden

Uppsala Castle has played a major role in the Swedish history. It was the king Gustav Vasa that gave the order to start the construction in 1549. It is built on the site where a former Archbishop's Castle was situated. The kings Erik XIV, John III and Charles IX have all ordered improvements and expansion of the castle. It finally became a representative renaissance palace. Among a lot of historical moments at the castle it is worth to mention that it was here during Erik XIV's reign the Sture Murders took place in 1567 and in 1630 the king Gustavus II Adolphus announced that Sweden should get involved in the Thirty Years' War. The castle also was the place where the Swedish government officially announced the abdication of Queen Kristina in 1654 when she left for Rome.

Stop At: Uppsala universitet Evolutionsmuseet, Villavägen 9, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden

The Museum of Evolution protects and displays Uppsala University's natural history collections that consists of fossils, minerals, animals, and plants. It has more than 5 million specimens in the collections. The museum has among other things the largest collection of genuine dinosaur skeletons in Scandinavia! Entrance not included). We can make a stop here if you like.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Vikingagarden Gunnes Gard, Ryttargatan 270, Upplands-Vasby 194 71 Sweden

The Viking farm Gunne is an outdoor museum in Upplands Väsby where the environment and life on a farm from the Viking Age in the early 1000's has been reconstructed.
The farm is a hidden gem and most people get really surprised how genuine it feels and you can really imagine how it was to live in Sweden a 1 000 years ago. The farm has several buildings with copies of things that was needed at the time and you will even find some animals. We will stop here on the way back to Stockholm - if you like and if it is open that particular day. Well worth a visit!

Duration: 20 minutes

Duration:6 hours
Commences in:Stockholm, Sweden

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