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Big Grizzly Bear Feeding on Moose Bull Carcass

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Big Grizzly Bear Feeding on Moose Bull Carcass

This would be Considered one of the largest Grizzly Bear Boars in this area, feeding on also one of the Largest Moose Bulls in this area. There was no sign of struggle on the far side of this lake, so it is not suspected that a Bear killed this Moose Bull. This big Grizzly is Certainly making sure no Calorie goes to waste. An entire Day of eating berries(this time of year) for this Grizzly May be equaled in just a few mouthfuls of this Calorie Dense Carcass, which ends up feeding many.
In just a few more Days, there may be no sign of this Moose Bull Carcass, as Nature absorbs all.. even Fur disappears and becomes insulation for Birds tree nests, etc.
Thank you for your patience with this video, it was cropped in from about 1km away.

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