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Book Banff National Park

Banff is Canada's most visited National Park. Originally set aside to preserve sulphur hot springs for public use, Banff's towering peaks and beautiful meadows make it among Canada's most incredible holiday areas. Book Banff National Park Activities and Attractions.
Canada - Banff National Park
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Book Banff National Park

Book Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park, located in the province of Alberta, Canada, is one of the largest and most northerly of the Rocky Mountain national parks, offering a sublime expanse of untamed wilderness for visitors to explore. It spans over 11,000 square kilometers (4,200 square miles) and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site that also includes Banff National Park, Yoho National Park, and others in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks system.
Canada - Jasper National Park
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Book Jasper National Park

Banff National Park Gondola Ride

Take a ride aboard the Banff Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain with amazing views of Canada's Rockies. Soak up the spectacular alpine scenery of Banff National Park from Sulphur Mountain's amazing vantage point. Maximize views of Banff with minimal exertion during this round-trip gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain.
Canada - Banff National Park Gondola
Banff Gondola »

Banff National Park Gondola Ride Admission

Banff Lake Minnewanka Boat Cruise

Boat cruise on beautiful Lake Minnewanka, located in Banff National Park, Alberta. Cruise on the lake and discover the stories of Lake Minnewanka and Landing. Admire views of Banff's Rockies on your boat cruise across turquoise-hued lake Minnewanka and over to Devil's Gap. Lake Minnewanka provides beautiful exploration. Your Boat Cruise on lake Minnewanka starts at the dock, a short drive from the town of Banff. Discover the story of Minnewanka Landing on your boat cruise, touring the beautiful valley landscape of Canada's oldest National Park.
Canada - Banff Lake Minnewanka Boat Cruise
Lake Minnewanka Boat Cruise »

Banff Lake Minnewanka Boat Cruise

Jasper National Park SkyTram

Canada's Highest and Longest Guided Aerial Tramway – Discover panoramic views like never before! The Jasper SkyTram is the longest and highest guided aerial tramway in Canada, offering stunning panoramic views of Jasper National Park. Jasper's SkyTram takes visitors from the lower station (1,258 m / 4,127 ft) up to the upper station near the summit of Whistlers Mountain (2,263 m / 7,425 ft) in about 7 minutes. The SkyTram Whistlers Mountain Summit Cafe is a full-service dining experience located on the second floor of the Jasper SkyTram's upper station, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Canada - Jasper National Park SkyTram
Jasper SkyTram »

Jasper National Park SkyTram

Sulphur Mountain Banff Gondola

Sulphur Mountain is located in Banff National Park, in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta, Canada. Sulphur Mountain is known for its hiking trails, natural beauty, and beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding Canadian Rockies. The Banff Gondola is a cable car system that takes visitors from the base of Sulphur Mountain up to the summit.
Canada - Sulphur Mountain in Banff
Sulphur Mountain Banff Gondola »

Sulphur Mountain Banff Gondola

Golden Skybridge

The Golden Skybridge, located in Golden, British Columbia, is home to Canada's highest suspension bridges. The main bridge stands 130 meters (426 feet) above a vast canyon and spans 150 meters (492 feet) in length. A second bridge, situated at 80 meters (262 feet) high and extending 140 meters (459 feet), offers additional perspectives of the surrounding landscape. Visitors are treated to panoramic views of the Rocky and Purcell mountain ranges, dense forests, and a cascading 61-meter waterfall. Beyond suspension bridges, the Golden Skybridge offers a variety of adventure activities.
Canada - Golden Skybridge in Golden, British Columbia
Golden Skybridge »

Golden Skybridge

Banff National Park's Johnston Canyon

Johnston Canyon is one of Banff National Park's most iconic and accessible natural attractions. Located about 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) west of Banff townsite along the Bow Valley Parkway (Highway 1A), it is a must-visit destination for those looking to experience stunning waterfalls, dramatic canyon landscapes, and an invigorating hike. The Johnston Canyon Hike is one of Banff National Park's most popular and rewarding hiking experiences. It offers dramatic canyon views, waterfalls, and an optional extension to the serene Ink Pots.
Canada - Johnston Canyon in Banff National Park
Johnston Canyon »

Johnston Canyon in Banff

Moraine Lake Shuttles and Tours

Moraine Lake is a stunning glacially-fed lake located in Banff National Park, in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta, Canada. It is one of the most famous and iconic destinations in the Canadian Rockies and is renowned for its breathtaking turquoise-blue waters and stunning surrounding mountain peaks.
Canada - Moraine Lake
Moraine Lake Shuttles and Tours »

Moraine Lake Shuttles and Tours

Banff National Park

Banff National Park, located in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta, Canada, is one of the country's most iconic and visited national parks. Banff National Park is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, characterized by towering mountain peaks, turquoise glacial lakes, dense forests, and abundant wildlife. Established in 1885, Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park and the third oldest in the world. Its creation was spurred by the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which recognized the area's scenic and recreational value.
Canada - Banff National Park
Banff National Park »

Banff National Park

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk

An incredible 3 hour icewalk takes you deep inside Maligne Canyon's icy floor. Explore Maligne Canyon's rocky maze of ice sculptures, ice caves and fossils, along with spectacular waterfalls naturally frozen in time. The most interesting canyon in Canada's Rockies, Maligne Canyon of Jasper National Park.
Canada - Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk
Maligne Canyon Ice Walk »

Jasper Maligne Canyon Ice Walk

Whale Watching Tour from Vancouver

The Vancouver waters on your whale watching cruise are renowned for attracting whales, offering an up to 90% success rate with sightings. Enjoy spectacular scenery set amidst the Gulf and San Juan Islands. Your whale watching trip from Vancouver includes round-trip transport from your hotel, plus bottled water and snacks.
Canada - Vancouver
Vancouver Whale Watching Tours »

Vancouver Whale Watching Tour

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Bull Moose Exits Maligne Lake After Courting During Rut »
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Elk Bull's Highest Hormone Levels vs Lowest Hormone Levels
From the Peak Elk Rut's Highest Hormone Levels to Today's Lowest Hormone Levels, the largest Bulls are dropping their antlers in the Canadian Rockies.